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03 Feb 2025, 7:00 pm
12 week Nutrition and Training Plan that will get you in the best shape of your lfie

Dan was a skinny young 17 year old kid that was lucky to weigh 55kg by the time he finished school.
He was bullied throughout alot of schooling which in turn made him feel quite belittled and deep down very insecure.
Since then, he's worked hard to get himself to the point he's at today and has claimed Magazine Features, Covers and WBFF Pro Status. Achievements everybody doubted he would ever achieve.
With over 10 years experience he now applies the science and evidence of exercise, physiology and nutrition to his clients training and diet to help them overcome their own insecurites and to bring out the best of themselves.
Here's what others have to say about Dan's Coaching and Shred Camp Program
Rated Excellent

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